Logo analysis

The whites of the logo represents the drupelets of an actual blackberry. This could mean that the company is natural and environmentally friendly.

The fact that it is called "subway" could be a reference to the train line which could represent the speed of the company. This could be because they make your food in front of you and its supposed to be quick and efficient. Also because the subway is a popular mode of transport it could be referencing the fact that you can eat food on the go really easily with their brand.
The arrows could be directing you into the shop suggesting that it is the right place to go.
The italics could again represent the speed of the company.
The difference in colours could be present because before you eat there you are feeling plain because of the white colour but then the gold colour represents the quality of the food and after you eat it you will feel gold. Linking to this could be the fact that the arrows on the S and Y could be representing the fact that you go in and out of the shop. The way the arrows are incorporated into the design makes it flow well which could be saying that it is an easy process to get your sandwich ordered and made in the way you want.
The green boarder could be saying that it is a much healthier option to the other fast food restaurants available.


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