Fashion Advert Analysis

Advert Analysis
Image One:
I would say that the product that the advert is trying to sell is a handbag and perhaps the clothes she is wearing. I think this because the handbag seems to be the main focus of the image because it is in the centre and everything around it (accept the woman is quite barren). I would assume that the products that the advert is trying to promote are quite upper class because they have used a model wearing highly fashionable and expensive clothes. I think that as well as the products the advert is trying to promote a free lifestyle meaning that if you buy their products then you will be free because she is in a calm environment. The colours used are quite similar as the field and clothes compliment her hair colour. The model is also looking straight at the camera which could be showing that the advert is trying to directly address the buyer and try and convince them that if they were to buy their clothes then they will be able to live a free and happy lifestyle. The location of the advert is also quite contradictory to the clothes that she is wearing. I think that the producer of the advert has achieved this by dressing the model in quite upper class looking clothes that look as if only successful people who live/work in cities would be able to afford. the location seems to be a field which then creates connotations of freedom of city life making the audience want to buy the product. This is because as the product looks to be so expensive it is likely that only people in high paying city jobs would be able to afford them. This means that the idea of her being situated in a field is appealing to the target audience. The advert does not feature any language but I think this is still very successful at selling the product because you can still recognise the badge of the company on the bag. this means that because the brand is so big anybody who looks at the advert will be able to know what brand it is from without large text. There is very little mise-en-scene in the advert and this could be because the creator of the advert wanted all the focus to be on the model and the products that they are trying to sell. The lack of mise-en-scene provides less distractions which could again appeal to the target audience because the audience are likely to have a lot of distractions in their life so the calm fields are appealing to them.

I think that this advert is trying to promote their brand of clothes including other fashionable items such as handbags and shoes. I would say that this advert effectively sells its products by making them occupy a large portion of the screen. This means that due to the composition of the picture the audiences eye is automatically drawn to the models face and then the handbag/other products. The rest of the image is filled with flowers that are of a similar colour to the products that they are trying to sell. This is effective because flowers have connotations of happiness and formality. This helps to sell the product because it is also selling/promoting a lifestyle that the audience would get if they brought their products.
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