Representation Advert Analysis

Anchor Spreadable Butter

What groups are represented in this advert?
The groups of people that the advert focuses on are elderly people and teenagers. The older person is shown to have a Caribbean accents which makes it more memorable. These people are clearly identifiable because the older woman has grey hair and she is shown to need to look close to reach the product and the young male is wearing a hoodie which is what teenagers would stereotypically wear.

What assumptions are made about these groups of people?
That old people are not used to technology and they are confused by it. An example of this is when she holds the butter up to her ear to see where the sound is coming from. This means that old people are represented as not up to date with things that are common in everyday life and the fact that she is talking to herself at first could show her mental state is not all there. This also shows that teenagers are represented as not very sympathetic towards old people as the young male is making fun of his assumed Grandma for struggling with technology rather than helping her or explaining it to her. I think that it is made obvious that teenager males are unsympathetic because the younger female is shown to not want to be associated with him meaning that once you become a teenager you go bad.

What ideologies are encoded into this advert?
The ideologies that are featured in this advert are that most old people don't understand technology and most people would be able to relate to this and may laugh about it.

National Lottery: "This Girl Can"

What groups are represented in this advert?
Women of all body shapes are represented in this advert doing sports.

What assumptions are made about these groups of people?
The advert is trying to challenge the assumptions that women shouldn't need to exercise or play sports. For example, when it says 'I kick balls' it is saying that women can play football even though football is a predominantly male sport that is generally associated with males.

What ideologies are encoded into this advert?
It is trying to challenge the ideology that women cant play sports by portraying women of various ages and body types doing sports that you might not expect them to do.

Pot Noodle: You Can Make It

What groups are represented in this advert?
The groups that are presented in this advert are middle to lower class families because they were all crowding around one TV in one room. The advert could also have been representing/appealing to sportsmen and people who dream big because the beginning of the advert was reminiscent of an inspirational video of a young male training hard to achieve his goal.

What assumptions are made about these groups of people?
We assume that because he is a lower class male he wants to be a boxer because boxing is stereotypically a male sport. However, this is challenged at the end because he doesn't want to do what we think.

What ideologies are encoded into this advert?


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