Component one - media products, industries and audiences

Component one - media products, industries and audiences

Advertising Week One

Key theory one: Roland Barthes, Semiotics

French theorists who determined the theory of Semiotics. 
Signs, signifiers and signifieds are used and they mean:
everything can have meaning, the thing that creates meaning and the meaning that is created. 


  • Hermeneutic Codes:
  • Enigma codes are hermeneutic codes and they refer to something within the product that creates mystery or suspense. 
  • Proairetic Codes:
  • These are action codes that refer to something within a media product that suggests something will happen. Such as the knock on a door.
  • Symbolic Codes:
  • They are something within a media product that creates a deeper meaning for the audience. 

Textual Analysis:
This refers to studying a media product and suggesting ways that the media language creates meaning for the audience.

Always provide connotations when conducting contextual analysis as we don't usually know what the producer was trying to say but we can make an educated guess.

Media Terms:

rule of Thirds
Lexis- refers to the language used in the advert. 


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