Key Theory 6 - Stuart Hall - Theories of Presentation

Key Theory 6 - Stuart Hall - Theories of Presentation

Re/Presentation. Re presenting something. e.g: re/peat, re/mix.
Representation is the ways in which a media product constructs the world and aspects in it, including social groups, individuals, issues and events.

Lindor Chocolate Advert 2011

In what ways is Lindor brand chocolate represented in this advert?
They are represented as a luxury brand by using language such as soft, flowing etc. It almost personifies the chocolate when they describe it. The uses of the colours red and gold help to represent the brand as high quality. They are also trying to promote their product as unique and professional.

In what ways do technical elements construct this representation?
The music and the voice is very light and flowing which i think is supposed to be reflective of the flowing chocolate. The editing is also very quick because however, it doesn't really have any jump cuts as the shots blend into one another with fades and transitions. Sexualised imagery to provoke that feeling that you will really enjoy the product.

What are the potential ideological consequences of this advert?
The ideological consequences of the advert is that you will want the product when you've had a tough day because it presents the woman as relaxing in a comfortable environment which seems idealistic. This means that the ideology is that it is aimed at people who work a lot and need a break at the end of the day and Lindor is trying to appeal to this.

Superbowl Commercial Break America 2018

What groups are represented in this commercial break?
most of the adverts appeal to middle class American males. I think this because most of the actors featured are males and the products are stereotypically directed towards men. This is probably because it is mostly men who actually watch the Superbowl. I further think this because there was not really any high end products so they were selling affordable items that the average American male would be able to buy. I would say that the person that they are trying to appeal to is family oriented because the products featured seems like products that you would be able to have and afford as a parent.

What messages and ideologies are presented about these groups?
I think that they are trying to present the ideology that America is quite a happy place as most of the adverts revolve around the theme of fun and humour. However, this could also be because they have created the adverts to the theme of the Superbowl because it is an occasion where most Americans would get extremely excited so it makes sense that the commercials would reflect that mood. Furthermore, the average middle class male in America is presented as being quite stereotypical because there are many adverts about beer and alcohol. They are also presented to obviously enjoy comedy as well.

What does this commercial break say about America in 2018?
The adverts show that America understands that most people don't want to watch ads so they've made them funny and they make the actors talk about the adverts in the adverts. The commercials say that America is attempting to be quite humorous by incorporating celebrities to sell their products doing things that you might not expect them to. They would do this to shock the audience and make the products memorable. This means that it presents America as quite an up-beat and happy place.


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