Audio Visual Advert Analysis

Audio Visual Advert Analysis

Adidas: Break Free 

I think that the meaning of the advert is to convey a sense that if you buy Adidas products you will be able to achieve things that you haven't been able to do before. Meaning is further created because it makes you as the viewer build up a relationship with the character. It does this by making you want him to succeed at getting away from the home because you can see how sad he is there. I would say that the advert is linear for the most part because there is a sense of equilibrium in the beginning when he is sitting at the nursing home. Although, he is not happy it would still be equilibrium because it is relatively peaceful and there is nit too much action going on. This means that the advert follows Todorov's theory of equilibrium. Due to the fact that the advert follows quite a linear pattern it means that the equilibrium transfers into a disrupted equilibrium. This stage of the advert is conveyed by depicting the man getting frustrated with the restraints of the nursing home and looking towards his old running shoes with a sense of nostalgia. The disruption stage continues as he tries to escape the nursing home but there are always people trying to stop him. The disequilibrium finally comes to and end when other patients in the home help him get his shoes back and he can finally escape. This means that the renewed equilibrium occurs when he finally escapes the home and can go for a run without the nurses holding him back.

The most obvious group that is represented in the advert is the elderly. The advert uses stereotypes of older people being boring and unable to pursue some of the passions they had earlier in life. In some aspects the advert does conform to the stereotypes of elderly people because most of the people in the advert are just sitting around doing nothing. The advert subverts from the stereotypes when the main character is obviously trying to be free of the nursing home and when some of the other old people are helping him along the way. I think that the older person who is trying to escape is represented as becoming happier and determined because of looking at the Adidas shoes that he used to wear. This means that Adidas is represented as a brand that can change your life and spark happiness and it can help you achieve your dreams.

I would say that the ideology behind the advert is to try and convince you that if you buy products from Adidas then you will be able to achieve things that you would not have been able to do before. The system of ideas that are being presented is that the man has been trapped in a nursing home/society for a long time and he is sad because his life is not filled with enjoyment anymore. As soon as he sees the shoes he seems to have a new sense of determinations and hope at trying to better his life.


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