Genre Paradigmatic


There are many genres that we can perceive in the trailer for Utopia. I would say that the main genre would be mystery as there is a wide variety of shots throughout the trailer including empty shots/establishing shots which help to convey a feeling that you don't really know what is going on, therefore, supporting the genre of mystery. These are hermeneutic codes to help to create a theme that you don't really know what is going on. It also uses high angle shots to show a point of view of them. The fact that there is a shot of a man scanning an ID could represent the idea that it is a crime/thriller as well. You could also say that the film is of a horror genre because the drawings of massacred people which also act as hermeneutic codes.

Neale believes that genre is essentially instances of 'repetition and difference'. He suggested that texts need to conform to some generic paradigms to be identified within a certain genre - but must also subvert these conventions in order to not appear identical.


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