Key Theory 3 - Steve Neale - Theories around genre

Key Theory 3 - Steve Neale - Theories around genre

Neale believes that genre us essentially instances of 'repetition and difference'. He suggested that texts need to conform to some generic paradigms to be identified within a certain genre - but must also subvert these conventions in order to not appear identical. Most media products repeat the same formula to appeal to people so they know what they're getting when they watch it.


What genre is the media product?

Outline the generic paradigmatic and iconographic features that construct this genre.
The genres are constructed because there is quite a lot of dark scenes and clips from youtube/news reports which help us to identify it as a thriller. There is also quite a lot of explosions and destruction which construct the theme of action. They also convey humour through one liners throughout to give the audience a laugh and help us identify it as a comedy. The mis-en-scene of the pink title screens hint at it being a romantic comedy.

In what ways does this clip conform to or subvert genre conventions?
The film conforms to the genre of comedy by including one liners and funny comments throughout. We also generally associate aliens/monsters with Sci-Fi films so the fact that there is a lot of focus on one conforms to this theme. It subverts from the action/thriller theme because they are generally laughing and making a joke out of scenes which include a monster. This subverts because usually it would be filled with people screaming and being very serious about the situation. Intertextual references to films such as Godzilla which help the audience categories it into a genre.

What examples of generic hybridity are evident, for example through dialogue and narrative structure?
It is a fairly generic drama because she has lost her job which is a common narrative. Genre hybridity is evident because it mixes many different genres together. There are also hermeneutic codes because it makes us question the narrative of the film.


What genre is the media product?

Outline the generic paradigmatic and iconographic features that construct this genre.
We can tell that it is a superhero series because it is mentioned a few times and they are shown to get some form of super powers from a storm. It is also obviously a drama because you can see a relationship that the characters build up together change in the trailer.

In what ways does this clip conform to or subvert genre conventions?
It subverts from the genre conventions of a superhero movie because usually the superhero's are clearly good people with strong morals but the characters are not presented as like this. It conforms to a comedy series because there are one liners designed to make the audience laugh throughout the trailer. It conforms to a superhero genre because there are intertextual references to comic books. There is lots of mise-en-scene with costumes that make you know that it is a comedy.

What examples of generic hybridity are evident, for example through dialogue and narrative structure?
Some examples of the genre hybridity would be that the characters that are supposed to be superhero's are comical and humorous and partake in activities you wouldn't expect of a hero. 


Intertextuality is the shaping of texts meaning through referencing or alluding of other text.  Texts provide context within each other texts can be created or interpreted - reflecting the fluid boundaries of genre convention.


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