Mini Mock Plan



  • Codes and conventions
  • Layout and design
  • Composition
  • Images/photographs - camera shot type, angle, focus
  • Font size, type of font (e.g. serif/sans serif), colour 
  • Mise-en-scène – colour, lighting, location, costume/dress, hair/make-up 
  • Graphics, logos etc.
  • Language – slogan/tagline and copy 
  • Anchorage of images and,. text
  • Elements of narrative

Levi-Strauss talks about binary oppositions: Men vs Women. Woman in power.
Main image of a female.
Famous logo.
Not even full name.
Male gaze

Producer may have wanted to appeal to wider audience. Marvel is 
predominantly male audience. WW appeals to women. 
Weapon could appeal to men. (Compensation).


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