Component One - media products, industries and audiences

Film Industry Week One

The purpose of and media product is to make profit/money.

Interesting facts about the birth of film:

  • The first camera movements were the result of mounting a camera on a moving vehicle
  • New film techniques that were introduced in this period include the use of artificial lighting, fire effects and Low-key lighting (i.e. lighting in which most of the frame is dark) for enhanced atmosphere during sinister scenes.
  •  A film could be under a minute long and would usually present a single scene, authentic or staged, of everyday life, a public event, a sporting event or slapstick.

Films are usually standardised meaning that they are made in the same way over and over again with the same storyline/narrative. This is done because they know that the film will definitely sell. 
Hollywood films are made in warehouses and offices and made using industrialised labour of different production techniques. This happens on a narrative level as well as industrial.
When describing the 'classic' era of Hollywood film production, we use the term 'classical Hollywood narrative' referring to several characteristics that typified film making ideology.

Spatial continuity: The audience knows where they are at any time.
Temporal continuity: The audience always know in what oder the events have transpired, and any flashbacks and so forth will be clearly signposted.
The film must be realistic. It must not make reference to other filmic or popular texts.

The studio system: A type of film production and distribution that is dominated by a small number of major studios in Hollywood.
Conglomeration: A media institution that owns many companies involved in mass media enterprises. For example, radio, television etc.
Exhibition: How the media product is visually shown.
Convergence: Communication between different types of media and sometimes the merging of them.
Distribution: The way the audience receives the media product.
Regulation: the control or guidance of mass media by the government and other bodies such as OFCOM.
Production: The stages/process needed to complete a media product from the beginning to the final copy. It can apply to any media product.
Vertical integration: Owns multiple companies across different stages of the film industry.
Horizontal integration: Where a company buys other companies in the same sector to reduce the competition for audiences.
Digital technologies: 

Film distribution and exhibition has been affected in the last two decades because the way that we consume films has changed.

Universal Pictures:

  • American film studio owned by Comcast
  • Founded in 1912 by Carl Laemmle
  • Part of the studio system
  • Owns and operates direct theatrical marketing and distribution if feature films all around the world.
  • The worlds fourth oldest major film studio
  • Six of their films: Jaws, E.T, Jurassic Park, Despicable Me 2, Furious 7 and Jurassic World achieved box office records
  • Member of Hollywoods 'big six'
  • Their distribution operation includes residual video and DVD
  • Steven Spielberg started his directing career with the movie "Night Gallery"
  • Universal Owns smaller companies


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