I, Daniel Blake Analsis

How the film was received: Debates etc

Conflicting views about the different classes presented in the film.
People supporting different political views took the film differently.
Many people argued to weather or not the film was an accurate representation.

Some people believed that the producers did not capture the true reality of the lives of the people on benefits.
Camilla Long (critic) claims that the film was poorly made and said only the middle class would see the film and they are not usually effected by the problems brought up in the film.

Overall the films received 11 awards showing that overall the film was well received.

Benefits system in the UK society

Jeremy Corbyn usually stands up for the working class.
Story is relatable to working class.
The films shows people who are not effected by the issues portrayed in the film the issues in the benefits system.

Political views in the film

Left win: Welfare, public provision, collectivism and institutional welfare.

Political issues: Blake is refused benefits although he has suffered and can't work. Brings up a flaw in the policy as he needs the money but he isn't qualified for benefits.
The welfare state: funded by taxes and it is set up to help people who are in need. People get them if they are unemployed and actively seeking work or if they can't work.
The film reflects real issues with the system.

Production, distribution and marketing

Made in Newcastle and co-produced with a French and German company.

Distributed by Entertainment One in the UK
They are a conglomerate company owning smaller companies

Started a hashtag stating "we are all Daniel Blake"
Created several social media accounts and a website.
Lots of preview screenings.
Produced merchandise.
Trailers/posters and interviews on TV and radio.

Target audience was 16+ as it was mature topics that younger audiences wouldn't understand.


Regulations make sure that no forms of media that is unsuitable for certain audiences is available to them.
Classified by the BBFC.
The classification was 15 because of infrequent use of strong language.

Ken Loach (director)

His political views were shown through I, Daniel Blake.
Never went to the Hollywood industry as it wouldn't fit his style/ideas.
Loach is an Auteur meaning that he has a range of films that have a specific stamp that are unique to that director. Although he doesn't want to be an Auteur as he want's all his films to be unique.


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