Ideology/Political Ideologies

Ideology/Political Ideologies

System of ideas and beliefs. Often used to describe the ways in which those in power use their power to distort meaning. An ideology can be used to normalise the dominant ideas of the ruling class.

Left and right wing ideologies: Differences 
Left wing is generally a more liberal and forward-moving ideology whereas right wing is more conservative and generally traditional. In the UK, Labour are leaning left from centre and the Conservatives are leaning right from centre.

Liberalismpolitical doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politicsLiberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others, but they also recognise that government itself can pose a threat to liberty.

Conservatism is a political philosophy or attitude that emphasises respect for traditional institutions and opposes the attempt to achieve social change though legislation or publicly funded programs.


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