Component Two - Magazine Industry One: Media forms and products in depth

Component Two - Magazine Industry One: Media forms and products in depth

Name of magazine: filmint
Examples of generic conventions
Layout and design
Simplistic design on the cover and throughout the magazine.
White backgrounds with black text, the photograph is clearly
the focus of the cover and similarly the screenshots from films
throughout the magazine are supposed to be focused on
because they are the only things that are coloured. The text
Is broken up into columns and is often separated with a
picture. The masthead at the top of the magazine is the
name of the magazine and underneath it has the issue
number and volume. Cover lines on the front cover to sell
whats inside the magazine.
Font size, type, colour and connotations
The font is consistently small and easy to read. It is
portrayed in a sans serif way to make it easy to read and
the colour of the text is usually black. However, the text is
sometimes in a different colour to symbolise a heading.
Images/photographs - shot type, angle, focus
Main image on the front cover of the magazine. Medium close
up of a mans face. The face is in a painted style rather than
a photograph. Most images throughout the magazine are
screenshots from movies meaning that most shots are in
focus and varied.
Mise-en-scene – colour, lighting, location, costume/dress, hair/make-up 
In most pictures throughout the magazine the people
portrayed in them will be in costume and have makeup on
because of the fact that the images are mainly taken from
films. This means that the colour and lighting in the pictures
often changes depending on the mood/meaning the film
that it was taken from is trying to convey.
Language and lexis
The language is generally quite formal and it often uses pull
quotes from the film the article is referencing to help to
explain a point more. The article is generally analysing the
film and because of the demographic who reads the
magazine, they use language to appeal to the type of
people who read film magazines and enjoy film. This means
that the tone is quite friendly and conversational. 
Anchorage of images and text: 

The images are not usually accompanied by a caption because most images used don't need explaining. This is because the image is usually used to back up what is being said in the article so it needs no explanation. Furthermore, The demographic that the magazine appeals to is people who are heavily interested in film. This means that if they are reading an article about a film it is likely that they know where the screenshot is from. The text is generally formatted in the same way across each page; it is separated into columns to make it clear what image the text is referencing and it makes the magazine look more uniformed and clear as the pattern repeats ever each page.


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