Key Theory 9 - Feminist theory - Bell Hooks

Key Theory 9 - Feminist theory - Bell Hooks

Feminism is a struggle to end patriarchal hegemony and the domination of women.
Feminism is not a lifestyle choice: it's a political commitment.
Race, class and gender all determine the extent to which individuals are exploited and oppressed.

Female Stereotypes
More domestic
Less aggressive
More emotional
More compassionate

Advertising in Magazines

Magazines generate revenue primarily through sales of copies (print and digital) and through advertising.
Advertising accounts for approximately one third of total revenue across the industry. It is, therefore, vitally important that the magazine and advertising content target the same audience in order that the advertising brands benefit from increased sales as a result of advertising in the magazine.

Magazine advertising vs TV advertising
Magazine adverts have:
High audience engagement
-Less distraction likely from other activities
-Ability to target niche audiences
-High production value
-Potential for placement in a highly relevant editorial environment
-Non-intrusive (readers can turn the page)
-Long shelf life


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