The Devil Wears Prada

  • What are the issues that arise from mainstream magazine production?
  • How accurate is the representation of the magazine industry?
  • What real life inspirations did the film draw on for characters, settings, themes etc.?

I would say that some issues that are presented in the film "The Devil Wears Prada" with the mainstream magazine production is that you are not allowed to have your own identity when you work there. This is because the film suggests that you do everything you can to please the people above you in the industry and if you are not enjoying it you should work harder. Furthermore, an issue that is presented is that everything comes down to one persons opinion and nobody else's matters.

The representation of the magazine industry is probably quite accurate because of the fact that large industries need to meet exact deadlines all of the time and they can not afford to make mistakes. This means that the fact that everybody needs to be perfect in the film is probably quite similar to real life. 

I would say that the inspirations that the film draws on would be from real life events and I would say that some of the inspirations for characters probably come from different ideologies about the magazine industry. For example, an ideology of the industry could be that somebody should work as hard as possible to please the person in charge and this ideology is reflected with the character Emily. 


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