To what extent are Woman and Adbusters examples of specialised and institutionalised media productions? Make reference to their distribution and circulation.

To what extent are Woman and Adbusters examples of specialised and institutionalised media productions? Make reference to their distribution and circulation.

Woman has competed with Woman's Own (Newnes) and Woman's Weekly (Amalgamated) to be the top-selling title. The three rivals ended up merging to become IPC. Their sales peaked in about 1959, at about 2.6m, 3.1m, and 1.8m each.
In 1937 Odhams (now IPC) opened a printing plant in Watford, Herts with Speedry Gravure Process for colour printing. Woman launched weekly in June with low cover price, 2d, for a full-colour magazine. Within a year, the title was selling 500,00 copies per week.

IPC is a large mainstream organisation and is also a conglomerate because of the fact that IPC or Time inc is owned by Meredith and also owns many other companies below it such as Warner Brothers. Time Inc has owned and published over 100 magazine brands such as: Time, Sports Illustrated, Life, golf magazine etc. They also co-operated over 60 websites and digital titles.
This is significant for the magazine because they appeal to a wide audience with all of the types of magazines that they own that appeal to different people. The Time Inc website is aimed at advertisers as they can see all the magazines that they can sell their products from.

Key Theory 12 - Power and Media Industries - Curran and Seaton

The media is controlled by a small number if companies primarily driven by the profit and power.
Media concentration limits variety, creativity and quality.
More socially diverse patterns of ownership can create more varied and adventurous media productions.

Woman magazine TV advert

Woman magazine has changed its audience appeal in the 1985 magazine advert because there is advertisements for cars on the magazine which reflects the change in how Women were viewed. For example, women becoming more independent - having their own car.

To what extent is the regulatory framework of magazines in the UK effective?

Key Theory 13 - Regulation - Sonia Livingstone and Peter Hunt

The increasing power of global media corporations, together with the rise of convergent media technologies and transformations in the production, distribution and marketing of digital media, have placed traditional approaches to media regulation at risk.

IPSO is the largest independent regulator of the newspaper and magazine industry in the UK and exists to promote and uphold the highest professional standards of journalism in the UK, and to support members of the public in seeking redress where they believe that the Editors' Code of Practice has been breached. Editor's Code of Practice:

The regulation of magazines has changed since 1964 because of the introduction of new technology. In 2014 the company IPSO was founded  

Technology has probably affected the way that magazines have been regulated because it is much easier for regulators to see a wide range of magazines and products by going online whereas before regulators would have to look at the products in hard copies. 


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