Adbusters Website Analysis

Adbusters Website Analysis

How does the website reinforce the brand identity of the magazine?
I would say that the website reinforces brand identity because it fits with the theme of subverting from the general conventions. This is because they continue with an alternative theme with unconventional text and text positioning. The sans serif font helps to reinforce the idea that the brand is different and unconventional. Additionally, the website includes controversial imagery and statements that reinforce the brand identity because it demonstrates that the brand is about controversy and about criticising widely held beliefs. It lets the audience know what to expect with the magazine. Furthermore, the ideologies that Adbusters hold are very anti-capitalist and, therefore, they do not like to use adverts in their magazines. This idea is carried onto their website which, therefore, supports their brand identity because the website doesn't include any advertisements.

Is there a clear 'house style' that is evident across the magazine and the website?
Adbusters has a unique house style because of the fact that there isn't a particular set style. This is because the font varies continuously and the positioning of the images and text is not uniformed across the website. However, because of this fact it means that in a way there is some kind of house style, because the informal and alternative layout is a style in itself.

What does the website offer that is different from the content of the magazine?
The website offers a way for the audience to interact with Adbusters. This is different from the content of the magazine because, due to the fact that magazine is in hard copy it is limited to how the audience can interact with it because all they can really do is read it. Furthermore, the website offers ways in which the audience can contribute to movements that Adbusters are a part of with links to pages where they can sign up. There are also animations that help to reinforce their ideas and improve user experience that are not present in the hard copy of the magazine.

How does the website extent the brand? (Through videos, merchandise etc)
Adbusters extends their brand with the use of an online shop. This helps to extend the brand because it gets more people to support the brand and, therefore, give the brand more money with the selling of items in their shop. Moreover, the brand is extended by creating a relationship between the brand and the audience they do this by creating ways for the audience to interact with the readers by having links where the audience can "get involved" and contact the company.

How does the magazine use social media? (To market the latest edition or offer additional content)
The Adbusters magazine uses social media to help to market and promote their magazine.

How can readers interact with the magazine through the website and social media?

Write two paragraphs explaining why it is important for print magazine publishers to have an online presence, giving specific examples from Adbusters.

I would say that it is vital for print magazine publishers to have an online presence in the form of a website and social media because of the fact that it can help to promote their brand and access a much wider audience and it also adds more to their magazine because of the fact that you can do more online than you can in print. Having an online presence makes it much easier for people to find your magazine and partnering this with having social media accounts across all social media platforms allows the brand to spread out and appeal to many different people.


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