Adbusters: (

Published six times a year by Adbusters Media Foundation, 1989 to present.
Set edition: May/June 1016
Price: £10.99
120,000 readership (website April 2017)
Genre: Independant, campaigning, culture jamming
Subtitle: Journal of the mental environment

How does the combination of elements of media language:

Communicate messages and values?
The main image is of a soldier and we know this because of the fact that the mise-en-scene of the photograph is of a man wearing camouflage and with an expression that establishes pain or anger. This communicates messages and values because of the fact

Reflect the social/cultural context?
The soldier appears as if he is going into some kind of battle and shouting as if he is in protest which reflects the ideas of the magazine wanting to protest against mainstream ideologies.

Establish the brand identity of the magazine?
I think that the main image of the magazine establishes brand identity because

Reinforce or subvert typical genre conventions?
I would say that the magazine cover subverts from typical genre conventions because the photograph is made to look very post-war because of the fact that the image depicts what appears to be a soldier with a filter over the image to make it look older and rougher. This is very different from most magazine covers as it is a very shocking image rather than of a model. There is no self promotion or cover lines to sell the product to show their values.
The masthead is in a plain white sans serif text which is easy to read, however, half of the text has been slightly rubbed out and is harder to read which promotes an ambiguous and uncomfortable feel of the magazine.
The title of the edition: Post West, is in clear white sans serif font positioned dominantly on the lower third of the magazine.
The front cover is not anchored or explained clearly which means that the magazine creators rely on the audience being able to figure out the meaning of the magazine for themselves.

"Genre conventions in magazines are completely informed by the social and historical context to which they are made" - Jack Avery Evaluate this statement with reference to Adbusters. Make reference to genre hybridity.


Introduction: Explain what Adbusters are, what are their ideologies/views/genres.
Paragraph One: Agree: because most magazines
Paragraph Two: Disagree: Adbusters subvert to the genre conventions of the time. Front cover is dark and has a post-war feel
Paragraph Three: Agree:
Paragraph Four: Disagree:


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