Ideological practices of Adbusters and how it interacts with its audience.

What is the ideology/ethos of Adbusters?
Adbusters is an anti-capitalist/anti-commercial magazine that subverts from the generic codes and rules for magazines. They are also anti-advertisement, hence the name "Adbusters", because they feel that advertisements have warped the magazine industry and made it more commercial and all about money. They also feel that advertising is bad because it limits the designers. This is because to do well in advertising, designers have to do what the corporate people want and not let their own creativity flow. They have political ideologies where they want to be activists against mainstream ideas.

How does Adbusters subvert traditional magazine conventions, especially in relation to advertising?
Adbusters subverts from traditional magazine conventions with advertising because of the fact that they have decided not to run real adverts in their magazine because they want to challenge corporate advertising and consumer culture. Additionally, Adbusters subverts from typical magazine conventions by only producing their magazine in hard copy because most magazines have gone online and Adbusters wants to stay traditional. They also rely a lot on consumer support because they get their readers to discuss topics for the magazine so they can incorporate their audiences viewpoints in their magazine. Every media product rely's on adverts to get money so they have subverted greatly by choosing not to use adverts.

How does the magazine interact with its audience?
This means that the magazine interacts with its audience by utilising the internet by setting up a "culture jammers" network where they are in constant communication with the 100,000 people who have signed up. The magazine interacts with its audience by sending them things about the magazine and getting feedback from them by their audience. The audience sends Adbusters ideas about what to include in the next issue and Adbusters can then incorporate these ideas and things sent by the audience in the next edition. They can utilise social media to alert everybody about the issues of society and get a lot of people against a certain thing.


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