The four steps of representation
1. The group, place or issue on which a media text is focusing.
2. The technical devices the media text uses in order to present these groups or issues.
3. The message about the group or issue being created within the text.
4. The impact of this message on the target audience.

The issue that the media text is focusing on is that many people in third world countries such as countries in Africa do not have access to things that we, in a first wold country, take for granted. For example, the fact that it includes the brand name "Christian Louboutin" is ironic because that is the name of a high quality brand that people probably really want even though they have regular shoes anyway but the picture is of someone who has recycled materials to create something to help them. You can see what appears to be somebody from a black ethnicity who is standing in a desert area which leads us to believe that it is representing coloured people in third world countries. The anchorage of the text stating "red soles are always in season" is a quote that seems as if it could be from a fashion magazine but in reality it is suggesting that the person in the photograph always has to deal with this issue and it is not a one time thing. This means that the message that is being created about the group of people presented in the text is that while we, in first world countries, always want for more by spending loads of money on high quality fashion that we don't need there are people in third world countries who do not have access to basic clothing such as shoes.
The impact of this message on the target audience is that the audience begins to feel guilty about their expenditure and it makes them reassess their own lives and realise that they are actually in quite a good position compared to some other people and they shouldn't take their lifestyle for granted. The message also focuses on ethnic hierarchy by saying that coloured people generally have a more challenging lifestyle than white people.
The issue that the media text is focusing on is that many people in third world countries are trapped and are constricted with their choices because they do not have the opportunity to get a good education or a job. This is because the barbed wire the people are photographed behind is representing that they are trapped in the lifestyle that they were born into and can't get out of it. This is a contrast to the bottom picture because their are nothing constricting them and it shows that people in first world countries have the opportunity to grow their careers and change their lives much more easily. Furthermore, the black and white picture shows that their is no colour in their lives and, therefore, their is no variety in their lives. They are also blending into the background slightly but as the person in the bottom picture is wearing bright red they are standing out from the background a great deal. This means that the message of the media text is that many people in third world countries can not change the situation they are in and are trapped in their lifestyle but because they are blending into the background it shows that most people don't really care about it. The effect that this has on the target audience is that they begin to realise that they are in a much more privileged position as they have opportunities that others do not have. It also makes the audience aware of the issues that are present in places outside their own country.
I think that this image has been included to invoke a specific reaction from the target audience. This is because most people would be shocked about the prospect of purposely breaking their phone since they depend on it so much. This means that the ideological messages that this image constructs is that we depend on our phones too much because it is probably quite bad that we would feel so bad about breaking a piece if equipment. This is unconventional for a magazine because a lot of magazines probably reference smart phones but they usually portray them in a positive light because the magazine can benefit from the readers using a mobile phone. However, this is unconventional because they don't talk about this topic much.
I would say that this text has been included in the magazine to make the target audience feel guilty because most people would agree that climate change and global warming is negative but most people also don't do anything about it because they probably feel that it is not there place to do something about it and it's somebody else's job. This means that the ideological message that the text constructs is that people should be bothered to do something about it because they have the power to do their part to save the environment but they don't because everybody needs a car. I would say that this is unconventional for a magazine to touch on global warming in this way because although other magazines probably talk about global warming this magazine is doing it in an unconventional way because it is addressing the target audience directly and calling them out for not doing their bit to help the environment.
1. The group, place or issue on which a media text is focusing.
2. The technical devices the media text uses in order to present these groups or issues.
3. The message about the group or issue being created within the text.
4. The impact of this message on the target audience.

The issue that the media text is focusing on is that many people in third world countries such as countries in Africa do not have access to things that we, in a first wold country, take for granted. For example, the fact that it includes the brand name "Christian Louboutin" is ironic because that is the name of a high quality brand that people probably really want even though they have regular shoes anyway but the picture is of someone who has recycled materials to create something to help them. You can see what appears to be somebody from a black ethnicity who is standing in a desert area which leads us to believe that it is representing coloured people in third world countries. The anchorage of the text stating "red soles are always in season" is a quote that seems as if it could be from a fashion magazine but in reality it is suggesting that the person in the photograph always has to deal with this issue and it is not a one time thing. This means that the message that is being created about the group of people presented in the text is that while we, in first world countries, always want for more by spending loads of money on high quality fashion that we don't need there are people in third world countries who do not have access to basic clothing such as shoes.
The impact of this message on the target audience is that the audience begins to feel guilty about their expenditure and it makes them reassess their own lives and realise that they are actually in quite a good position compared to some other people and they shouldn't take their lifestyle for granted. The message also focuses on ethnic hierarchy by saying that coloured people generally have a more challenging lifestyle than white people.
The issue that the media text is focusing on is that many people in third world countries are trapped and are constricted with their choices because they do not have the opportunity to get a good education or a job. This is because the barbed wire the people are photographed behind is representing that they are trapped in the lifestyle that they were born into and can't get out of it. This is a contrast to the bottom picture because their are nothing constricting them and it shows that people in first world countries have the opportunity to grow their careers and change their lives much more easily. Furthermore, the black and white picture shows that their is no colour in their lives and, therefore, their is no variety in their lives. They are also blending into the background slightly but as the person in the bottom picture is wearing bright red they are standing out from the background a great deal. This means that the message of the media text is that many people in third world countries can not change the situation they are in and are trapped in their lifestyle but because they are blending into the background it shows that most people don't really care about it. The effect that this has on the target audience is that they begin to realise that they are in a much more privileged position as they have opportunities that others do not have. It also makes the audience aware of the issues that are present in places outside their own country.

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