Compare and contrast the ways in which viewpoints and ideologies are encoded in Woman and Adbusters

Compare and contrast the ways in which viewpoints and ideologies are encoded in Woman and Adbusters

Adbusters ideologies/viewpoints:

  • Anti-capitalist - No real adverts
  • Culture jamming - Fake adverts 
  • Campaigning - Explains real issues to do with water in third world countries. 
  • Anti-mainstream - No real adverts
  • Anti-consumerist - 
  • Subversive - Talks about issues to do with water next to a fake advert for a tap. (Binary opposition)
  • Atypical - Challenges the typical representations of gender.
  • Controversial - Talks about issues to do with water next to a fake advert for a tap. (Binary opposition).
  • Challenging - The idea isn't instantly obvious, the audience has to work out the meaning for themselves. 

Woman magazine ideologies/viewpoints:

  • Stereotype women women should be housewives and do cooking, cleaning etc - Model on the front cover wearing practical clothing for things like cooking. She is presented wearing feminine colours and the background is pink. The woman is wearing a lot of makeup.
  • The husband should be working/earning money for the family whilst the woman is cooking - Advertisements for an article about kitchens.
  • Women should look good for their husband: Traditional views of gender - 
  • Male is the more dominant gender: patriarchal hegemony - Hitchcock article quote: Man telling a woman she has a special magic - women rely on men for compliments - supposed to look good for a man.
  • Mainstream - Advertising stereotypical things women like.
  • Conventional - Conventional codes for magazine: cover lines etc 
  • Aspirational - Model is the target audience so the audience would think that reading the magazine would make them be like her.

Essay structure:




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