Representation: Formation - Beyonce (2016)

Representation: Re-presentation of something (social groups, individuals, issues and events) encoded by the producer. Used to construct a world and aspects in it.

Binary oppositions (conflict) encoded in the video:
Seems to be anti-police - Binary oppositions between the police and african-americans
The opening shot is of her sitting on a police car which links to the conflict. They are also in a poor environment which contrasts to some of the clothes that they are wearing. It also contrasts to the large mansion house. The fact that the police car is in the water portrays the police negatively because they allowed that to happen. Police shows control and authority the fact that the car is in the water and nobody is in the car shows lack of police in the time of crisis.
Conflict at the beginning of the video because it warns the audience about explicit lyrics. Long shot of a police officer near a small child showing vulnerability.

Functions/purposes of the video:
The purposes of this video could have been to empower african-americans and particularly african-american women.
The establishing shot portraying her sitting on a police car in the middle of a flood links to the natural disaster in New Orleans (Hurricane Katrina).

How and what groups are represented? (message):
African-americans, no white people in the video.
reference of periods of slavery - there is a large house with black people outside looking like they are there to serve. We assume white people own the house.

Are representations subversive or typical?:
Subversive representation of african-americans. Symbolic annihilation says that coloured people are often underrepresented.
The fact that the video references the effects of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans is subversive because it becomes a source of controversy

Formation, lead single for the album Lemonade, was released the day before she performed at the Super Bowl final in February 2016. the music video, directed by Melina Matsoukas, was released with the song.
The music video received multiple awards including a Clio Awards for Innovation and Creative Excellence in a Music Video at the 2016 awards, and has been nominated in the music video category at the 59th Grammy Awards.
The video is set against the backdrop of the flooding in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina and the associated racial tension in America, and also draws historical parallels with reference to racism and slavery.

She appears to be supporting people involved in this disaster but she could have been using the disaster and the Super Bowl for publicity and a way of advertising.

How can we make comparisons/contrasts between the two texts? (That B.E.A.T documentary/Formation)

Both quite empowering for their community and specifically african-american people.
Embraces Southern American culture

That BEAT - embracing/open to all people/inclusive. This is different to Formation because it was focusing more on black women. Formation has a more aggressive ideology. Appropriation of culture - Formation doesn't represent LGBT community.


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