Music Video Analysis

Who is being represented?
How are they being represented?
Binary oppositions?

Lil Dicky - Freaky Friday feat. Chris Brown
Women are represented heavily in this music video and I would say that they are represented in a negative way because they aren't shown to have much of a personality and therefore, are objectified in the video. Additionally, I would say that women are sexualised in the video because most of the women that you see throughout the video are not wearing much clothes and showing a lot of skin. They also don't speak much in the video which demonstrates the fact that they are used for their body parts. This means that Scopophilia is used in this video because the audience is supposed to gain pleasure from watching the women.
The impact and message of this video is that women are mostly used in hiphop music videos for the pleasure of the viewer to make sure that people keep coming back to watch the video.
The binary oppositions in this video are between men and women because the music video is about people waking up in different peoples bodies. When they wake up in a mans body the emphasis is on them exploring the mans lifestyle whereas, alternatively, when the man wakes up in a woman body the emphasis is about exploring her sexually rather than her lifestyle as shown in the finally few seconds of the video.
This means that overall, the video is quite conventional for a hiphop music video because women are commonly used as inanimate objects primarily used for their sex appeal in the video.

Dua Lipa - New Rules
Again, the representation is of women and they are being represented in an unconventional way because they are not being exploited for male pleasure meaning that the video doesn't utilise the male gaze much because they are not wearing clothes that are too revealing or partaking in sexual acts. However, due to the fact that the video is mainly of women in their apartment talking their is an aspect of voyeurism because it is like we are looking into her life without her permission. This is because the camera angles suggest that we are looking into her apartment whilst she is conversing with other women. I also think that the music video could be unconventional because of the fact that the video is more empowering towards women. This is because the main character of the video is clearly debating weather to get back in contact with and ex or some kind of male sexual partner which is likely to be relatable to a lot of the female audience. I think that this is empowering because her friends are encouraging her to ignore him as he is probably just using her for sex. This is unconventional because it is depicting the woman taking charge of the situation and not allowing the man to be dominant. This means that the message that is given throughout the video is that women should stand up to men and not let them manipulate them. This means that there is again binary oppositions between men and women because they are coming into conflict because the man wants to get back with her but she doesn't.


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