Judith Butler: Theories of gender Performativity:
Identity is a performance, and it is constructed through a series of acts and expressions that we perform every day.
While there are biological differences dictated by sex, our gender is defined by this series of acts. These may include the way we walk, talk, dress and so on.
Therefore, there is no gender identity behind these expressions of gender.
Gender performativity is not a singular act, but a repetition and a ritual. It is outlined and reinforced through dominant and patriarchal ideologies. 

This can be applied to Humans because we can see that the female and male synths have learn't their respective roles. Male synths have labour intensive jobs, women are maternal, sexualised etc.

Bell Hooks Feminist Theory in Humans:
Patriarchal oppression in Humans.
Anita was initially brought essentially to replace his wife - domestically, maternally and hints to replacement sexually. 
Salesman is a male selling a female synth. - male corporate figures dictate use. 
Most of the ethnic actors are synths - slaves - 

Van Zoonen Feminist Theory in Humans:
Character Leo active protagonist, rarely smiles or shows emotion, strength and masculinity as well as aggression (often running and fighting etc).
Combat/survivor figure.
Constructed more through intradiegetic gaze - the way he is looked at by other characters. He is a leader figure and trusted.
Relatable through age, costume rather than erotic gaze.  


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