Les Revenants:

  • Released 26th November 2012 on Canal+ in France
  • 9th June 2013 on Channel 4 in the UK
  • 2 series, 8 episodes each
  • Based on the French film 'They Come Back'
  • (Les Revenants) (dir. Robin Campillo 2004)
  • Created by Fabrice Gobert

Genre Hybridity:
  • Horror
  • Supernatural
  • Drama
  • Avant-garde (unconventional/atypical)
  • Zombie (could be a subgenre of horror)
  • Could be a 'French' genre because it relatable to French audiences and French industries are stereotypically quite experimental and atypical with what they create.
Cult TV
A cult is a small group of fans who are extremely passionate about the text. Cult fanbases are usually emotionally attached fans identifying themselves as members of a community. Less mainstream but has a small but dedicated fanbase.
- Links to Henry Jenkins theory of Fandoms

'Les Revenants' is a Cult TV program which is not that popular but the small audience that it does reach is very passionate.

Steve Neale - Theories Around Genre
Genre needs repetition and difference, the repetition means we know what to expect and we can identify the genre but we need the difference in order to keep coming back to see something new.

Genre is important so producers can categorise there work and we know what we are watching.

 Zombie Genre conventions with Les Revenants
Creepy kid - follows woman home and doesn't talk
Dead people coming back
Gore - stabbing in an underpass
Horror movie posters
Lots of lowkey lighting, flickering lights - electricity keeps going of
Lots of screaming and crying
Secluded community
Hunger when they come back
Mass movement - all come back at the same time
Jump scares
Fragmented narrative (flashbacks)

French 'Poetic Realist' Tradition

Poetic Realism was a film movement in France in the 1930s. Led by individuals creating a specific style. Poetic realism films are recreated realism. They usually include characters living on the margins of society as either unemployed, members of the working class or as criminals. The characters leave a life of disappointment and have a last chance at love but are disappointed again. The films usually end in disillusionment or death. Deals with realistic and relatable drama conventions set in a poetic, lyrical world.

Genre paradigmatic features in the first 10 mins of Les Revenants
  • Horror - Flickering lights, quite dark most of the time, screaming and the bus crashing.
  • Supernatural - Coming back from the dead. 
  • Drama - 
  • Avant-garde (unconventional/atypical) - 
  • Zombie (could be a subgenre of horror) - Flickering lights, death, 
  • French poetic realist - People seem to be coming back from the dead - a chance at redemption, characters seems to be flawed in some way - Jerome at the meeting is rude.


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