
Hyperreality is the idea that the simulation is much more real to us than reality. An example of this would be Instagram - stuff we see on there seems real to us but isn't.

Humans and Simulacra?
The synths themselves may be seen as simulacra - copies of "perfect humans" which do not really exist.
The parallel world to our own is a hyperreality - it is the present or near future re-presented from a mediated perspective. Consider how this is constructed.
It may be argued that the series itself is a comment on the attractions of the hyperreal over the real -e.g Joe's sexual attraction to Anita.

In postmodern culture the boundaries between the 'real' world and the world of the media have collapsed and that it is no longer possible to distinguish between what is reality and what is simulation. In fact, it really doesn't matter which is which.
Therefore, in this postmodern age of simulacra, audiences are constantly bombarded with images which no longer refer to anything 'real'.
Because of this, we are now in a situation that media images have come to seem more 'real' than the reality they supposedly represent. This concept is referred to as 'hyperreality'.

Postmodernism: Jean Baudrillard:
Hyperreality: In postmodern culture the boundaries between the 'real' world and the world of the media have collapsed and that it is no longer possible to distinguish between what is reality and what is simulation. In fact, it really doesn't matter which is which.
Therefore, in this postmodern age of simulacra, audiences are constantly bombarded with images which no longer refer to anything 'real'.
Because of this, we are now in a situation that media images have come to seem more 'real' than the reality they supposedly represent. This concept is referred to as 'hyperreality'.

Criticism of meta-narratives - postmodern texts usually try to distance themselves from traditional ways of making meaning, and will break the rules of existing meta-narratives such as religion or science.

Rejection of high culture - postmodern texts will often use a deliberately 'trashy' aesthetic.

Breaking walls - postmodern texts often break fundamental rules of making media, for example, by 'breaking the fourth wall'.

Intertextuality - postmodern texts often routinely make references to other texts, cultures and times. This 'cobbling together' of disparate themes is referred to as bricolage.

Style over substance - surface meanings are seen as more important in a postmodern text than any deeper meaning.


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