A study of Representation looks at:

The group, place or issue on which a media product is focusing.
The media language the media product uses in order to present these groups or issues.
The ideological perspectives about the group or issue being created within the product.
The impact of this ideological perspective on the target audience.

Stereotypical representation of a teenage girl: She comes home late and to eat food untidily. Additionally, girls are generally seen as cleaner than boys which is represented when she showers right after returning home. She is also slightly rude and demanding because she doesn't clean up, is rude about a table ornament. Could be atypical as young girl could be sweet and kind. Young teenage girls in horror genre are often scary. Her entrance is matched with stereotypical horror music emphasising cliche in horror genre that young girls are scary and creepy.

Stereotypical representation of mother: Girl assumes she must have been worried about her coming home late. This shows she is the typical mother figure as she is caring. She instantly calls male figures which is stereotypical as she needs a male figure. Close ups of her face showing her distressed. Complicated reaction to seeing her daughter - atypical at first as it is a cold reaction but terns emotional and distressed.
Diverse representation.
Ideological perspectives this creates is that the girl and the mother are typical of their demographic and the impact of this on the audience makes them quizzical because
Claire's reaction to seeing Camille seems to be weaker than Jerome  as she is panicking when Jerome is much more composed. This reinforces patriarchal hegemony as she is reliant on the man in the relationship.

In the scene where "Victor" comes to Julies apartment Julie can be seen as a stereotypical female because of the fact that despite the fact she doesn't know who the child is she welcomes him into her home. This means that she is the stereotypical mother figure in this scene because she is being maternal by giving him a place to stay and caring for him. She could also be being represented atypically because it is not typical for a woman of her age to watch horror movies and live alone. In this scene low lighting is used to show that she lives in a middle class apartment. However, she could also be seen as a stereotypical female when the boy is following her home. This is because the low, dark lighting and the eerie, whistling sounds create a creepy and scary scene. Additionally, we see long shots of her walking that lasts multiple seconds to create the feeling that we are watching her and following her. This is a stereotypical representation because it is stereotypical of a woman walking home in the dark to be vulnerable. However, it is also atypical because of the fact that we as the audience are aware that she is being followed by a young child and not an adult male figure looking to take advantage of her. Also, the fact that she is being followed by a child has connotations to the horror genre because young children are often seen as creepy. Could also be less stereotypical because she is not engaged in gossip with others.

The first scene we see of Jerome is just before he enters the meeting about a memorial for the lost children. In this scene we see Jerome portraying the stereotypical male because of the fact that the first scene we see of him seems to be him using an escort. This conforms to the stereotype that men are overtly sexual. Additionally, there is a stereotype that men are not supposed to show their emotion and i would say that Jerome conforms to this in these scenes because he has clearly tried to suppress his emotion at the loss of his daughter as he is using the escort as an outlet for his emotion and has also become more aggressive as a result of suppressing this emotion. He also conforms to the stereotype that men are not in touch with other peoples emotions and feelings.

I would say that Lena is represented as the stereotypical teenage girl because she is being rebellious by going to the bar and drinking. Additionally, she seems to lust over a stereotypically handsome boy Simone and wants to help him. However, she is also independent which could be atypical of a woman because she isn't relying on a man. She is shown as independent because she is taking charge of showing Simone where Adele's house is in the middle of the night. Her clothes are conventionally feminine as well. However, she has a job as she is a barmaid showing she is also responsible.

Stereotypically handsome, Lena seems to want to talk to him quickly, unbuttoned shirt - supposed to be handsome/attractive. Could be seen as the stereotypical man because he quickly becomes aggressive and shouts when Adele doesn't open the door to him. Furthermore, he is also seen as stereotypically male because he uses Lena to get what he wants and then disregards her after she shows him where he wanted to go. Additionally, he buys Lena a drink in the bar which could be stereotypical of a man because it is stereotypically a mans responsibility to pay for a woman's drink. Driven by a woman - seems to be mostly unemotional - stereotypical of men.

Lack of diversity in the cast.


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