Exam Prep

Exam Prep

Key Words
Hegemony (domination of one group over another. Sometimes less obvious)
Binary Oppositions
Dominant Ideology (encoded by the producer)
Negotiation (eg negotiated reading by the audience)
Oppositional (reading)
Polysemy (when a media product has multiple meanings)
Symbolic codes
Hermeneutic (deliberately confusing - provokes questions for the audience)
Pro (when the audience is expecting something via action (when one action leads to another))
Genre paradigm

Underline key terms in the question
Knee Jerk reaction to the question
write key terms and theories etc
Intro -
D: Define (key terms)
A: Argument (make your argument clear)
C: Context (year created, producer, genre etc)
Key scenes - media language
Point, Evidence, Analysis

"In the 21st century, it is essential for TV shows to offer multiple meanings" - evaluate this claim with reference to Les Revenants

Knee jerk response: Yes, needs multiple meanings in order to reach a large audience, but also to satisfy a smaller, cult audience.

Key scene - opening scene
Multiple meanings are conveyed within the first five minutes of the first episode of Les Revenants
because of the fact that in the introduction sequence there is a long shot of a factory with electricity flowing between the metal pillars. This creates meaning because it links to the sci-fi genre. Additionally, in the introduction sequence we see a long shot of a little boy standing by the place that the bus crashed of the cliff. This is a hermeneutic code because it makes the audience ask the question of why he is standing there. Furthermore, we can see a wreath of flowers at the side of the road alluding to the fact that people died in the crash and the fact that the road if fixed implies that time has past. Non diegetic music drives suspense because of the eerie sound. Additionally, there is desaturation throughout the intro and dim lighting alludes to death. Horror iconography but atypical from a horror film. When the bus crashes we don't see why the driver crashed because of the way that it is framed before a corner. Additionally, we don't see the result of the crash which is polysemic and atypical. - dip to black and title screen after crash. Butterfly coming back to life is symbolic of the other people coming back to life. Opening of the episode is not conventional of a horror movie - we see suggestions of death and horror but not gruesome death. Challenging negotiation of meaning because it makes us think.
Camille has more screen time on the bus.
Isolated, exotic setting for British audiences different things to different audiences.
Lacks generic paradigms.



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