Les Revenants Audience and industry

Les Revenants Audience and industry

Mogwai: Scottish indie rock band (niche) that produced the soundtrack to Les Revenants
Brings in a different audience who like that genre of music. Builds an international fanbase. Media texts work together to promote each other.

Les Revenants Trailer 

Genre Conventions:
You can see a lot of blood and violence in the trailer which is a convention of the horror genre. This is evident when you see the woman get stabbed in the underpass, the woman show her scars and when a man is punched. Furthermore, there is an eerie music throughout that is conventional of the horror genre because it is a hermeneutic code as it builds suspense and makes the audience think that something is about to happen. Additionally, there are multiple genres made evident in the trailer because as well as horror there are references to the supernatural as the dead butterfly breaks out of the glass which is against nature. This attracts the audience because both fans of the horror and the sci-fi genre would like the conventions that they see. This links to Steve Neale's theory that genre is constructed through repetition and difference and texts need to be identified with certain paradigms in order to be recognised as a certain genre. Romance - Simone and Adele - mid shot of them kissing with her husband watching - drama. Speech links to horror genre - Camille says "do i scare you?". Unconventional horror - no jump scares. Crime drama iconography - police and detectives. Psychological thriller. Challenging narratives - stimulating - audience has to think about it and negotiate meaning. Post modernism - lack of meaning and clear structure.

All of the people represented in the trailer are middle class white, french, people. Also a lot of representation of younger people. This helps to target a younger audience. Lots of extreme close ups of women's faces. They usually look distressed/worried. Means that you want to see what they are distressed about. In the trailer Viktor comforts Julie. This shows patriarchal hegemony because despite the fact that Viktor is so young he is still doing the stereotypical male role of taking care of a woman. Additionally, Simone wants to get his girl back. The dead could be represented as monsters because most people are scared of them and Lena is scared when her sister, Camille comes back. The trailer makes the contrast between the dead and alive clear meaning that there are binary oppositions in the text. This allows the audience to understand and be familiar with the complex narrative.

Narrative codes:
A complex narrative structure is created in the trailer which would appeal to a more intellectual audience because it shows that the audience can not be passive whilst watching the drama and will have to work to keep up and understand what is going on. The lines that the trailer picks out are the highlights from the text in order to create an enticing narrative. Hermeneutic narrative because it shows the subtle horror conventions that create suspense and questions for the audience. Need a sense of mystery in the trailer otherwise you wouldn't want to watch it. Many conflicts and binary oppositions throughout. Action codes - the morgue - a symbol of death. Additionally, there are symbolic codes with the butterfly at the beginning symbolising the dead coming back to life by breaking free of the glass. Lot of reflections in mirrors, glass and water to symbolise ghosts.

Technical codes:
Non diegetic music - starts slow and builds to increase tension. Additionally, titles are used to create impact on a certain phrase. For example, "Your deceased loved ones are back" is titled because it is a line that would resinate with most people watching the trailer. This is because most audiences would have lost a loved one at some point so the line is designed to make you dwell on it and think about what you would do if it were you. This is direct mode of address because the audience are addressed personally. Fast pace editing. Begins quite slow and builds up in pace towards the end of the trailer. Cross dissolve transition to reinforce the idea of ghosts. Editing cuts into a review giving the impression that it is good. Reviews from the Telegraph - reliable, broadsheet newspaper and more reputable. Also has a middle class audience that links to audience for Les Revenants. British Newspapers gets British audiences. Mise-en-scene: set in small french town in the mountains. This is foreign to British audiences and therefore brings that audience in because the difference is interesting. Also the fact that it is set in amongst misty mountains shows the mystery of what is going on. The colour grading of the entire show it quite desaturated and grey this fits with the misty style of he show and shows the dark themes within it.

Steve Neale
Enigma codes
Sold Worldwide
Magazine Coverage
Merchandise (Henry Jenkins)


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