History of the Video Game Industry

History of the Video Game Industry

1940 - American nuclear physicist Edward Condon designed a computer allowing people to play the first game, Nim. Thousands played the game.
1947 - The development of the cathode ray tube was created and helped lead to the creation of the first true video games as is is the core technology behind televisions by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann.
1950s - Claude Shannon wrote the first programming guidelines for a chess playing computer.
1960s - US Department of Defence created a war game, STAGE
1960s - Ralph Baer came up with the concept of playing games on the television, he completed two TV games in the 1960s.
1971 - The first arcade game Computer Space released.
1972 - Atari, Inc released Pong which sold over 19,000 arcade cabinets.
1979 - Leading gaming company Activision  founded.
1978-81 - Total sales of arcade video game machines increased from $50 million in 1978 to $900 million in 1981.
1982 - Electronic Arts (EA) founded.
1980s - Introduction of 3D games as well as the release of Japan's Nintendo Entertainment System.
1990s - Sony introduced the PlayStation now considered to be the most popular console with 20 million units sold.
2000s - Profit drives technological advancement which is then adapted and used by other industries such as smartphones, virtual reality and augmented reality.
2010s - Large shift to mobile gaming. The mobile video game market is estimated to have taken $38 billion in revenue compared to $6 billion for the console market and $33 billion for computer gaming. Large rise in popularity for augmented and virtual reality.


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