Audience: Assassins Creed Liberation

Albert Bandura, Hypodermic Needle Model:
The theory suggests that the mass media could influence a very large group of people directly and uniformly by 'shooting' or 'injecting' them with a desired response. They express the view that the media is a dangerous means of communicating an idea because the receiver or audience is powerless to resist the impact of the message. People are seen as passive and are seen as having a lot of media material 'shot' at them. People end up thinking what they are told because there is no other source of information.

Codes of violence in Assassins Creed Liberation:
Mise-en-scene: guns etc
Non-diegetic sound; sound of knives and groans.
Target audience would be used to the violence in the game and as a result would accept it. The secondary audience would oppose it.

Bobo Doll experiment:
Thee intention of the doll is to be hit and bounce back up, the children were playing with the doll how it was supposed to be played with.
Less likely to imitate fantasy, the theory can not be applied to video games as well.
As we age we become more mature - we can separate real life from fantasy more easily.

Assassins Creed can be read/interpreted in different ways. (Stuart Hall Reception Theory)
The preferred ideological perspective that the producer (Ubisoft) encoded is to engage the audience and entertain them and not to make the audience become violent.
Audiences can have multiple interpretations

Assassin's Creed Liberation

Pen Portrait:
Largely male audience, some female audience because the main character is female.
Built up a loyal fanbase of males over the course of many games.
Expensive merchandise, middle class with lots of disposable income.


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