What role do fans and other niche audiences play in the popularity of this product?

What role do fans and other niche audiences play in the popularity of this product?

Essay structure:



Henry Jenkins
Clay Shirky 
Stuart Hall

Examples of fandom


Fandom: Henry Jenkins:
Fandom refers to a particularly organised and motivated audience of a certain media producer franchise.
Unlike the generic audience or the classic spectator, fans are active participants in the construction and circulation of textual meanings.
Fans appropriate texts and read them in ways that are not fully intended by the media producers ('textual poaching'). Examples of this may manifest in conventions, fan fiction and so on.
Rather than just play a video game or watch a TV show, fans construct their social and cultural identities through borrowing and utilising mass culture images, and may use this 'subcultural capital' to form social bonds. For example, through online forums like Reddit or 4Chan.

Hypodermic Needle Model:
The theory suggests that the mass media could influence a very large group of people directly and uniformly by 'shooting' or 'injecting' them with a desired response. They express the view that the media is a dangerous means of communicating an idea because the receiver or audience is powerless to resist the impact of the message. People are seen as passive and are seen as having a lot of media material 'shot' at them. People end up thinking what they are told because there is no other source of information.

Audiences play a key role in the popularity of Assassins Creed Liberation because without having a dedicated audience to continue buying the games they would have a much smaller audience each year. Additionally, niche audiences and fans are vital at increasing the popularity of the product because of the fact that they play a large part in the circulation of of the text and therefore increasing exposure. This is evident with Henry Jenkins theory of fandom.

On the one hand, I would say that niche audiences are vital to the popularity of Assassins Creed Liberation because Henry Jenkins theory of fandom suggests that fans are active participants in the circulation of texts and textual meaning. This means that fans appropriate texts and read them in ways that was not intended by the media producer in the form of textual poaching. Additionally, fans can circulate the their interpretations of the texts in online forums such as 4Chan and Reddit. This is important for increasing the popularity of the the product because it means that dedicated fans can give the product free publicity by advertising the product across social media platforms therefore giving the product more exposure.

On the other hand, I would argue that niche audiences could have a negative effect on the popularity of the product. This is because of the fact that fans and fandoms can interpret the product (Assassins Creed Liberation) in a way that was not intended by the producer by poaching the text. This could be negative for the popularity of the product as potential audiences could seethe textual poaching and get an incorrect impression of what the game is about and therefore not want to buy it. An example of this would be that due to lack of widespread representation in the gaming industry LGBT communities often textually poach a product by composing artworks and 'fan fictions' about the game with a narrative suited towards the LGBT community. A result of this could be that people see these posts and not want to buy the game because of it.

However, I would argue that fans and other niche audiences play an important role in the popularity of the product because Clay Shirky argues that audiences are no longer passive but play and active role by interacting with media products in an increasingly complex variety of ways. This means that fans increase the popularity of the product because interacting with the media product in different ways could be through buying things like merchandise from the product. This would increase popularity because many people buying merchandise would mean that the product gets more publicity from people representing the brand in public. However, we can critique Shirky's theory because it can be argued that audiences were never passive it was just the internet that allowed audiences to interact further. This would also be beneficial to the advancement of the products popularity because the internet means that people can share things about the product and buy merchandise.

To conclude, I would say that fans and niche audiences are vital to the popularity of the product because they play an important role in the circulation of information about that product and therefore allows the product to reach a larger audience by increasing the products exposure. 


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