Stereotypical male representation of Alfie. As soon as the video begins they talk about him going to the gym which is seen as stereotypically male. 
Furthermore, as the video progresses Zoella makes a joke that Alfie doesn’t get up out of bed easily in the morning like the dog which again could be stereotypical of the male gender as being lazy.
Everything is stereotypically feminine with feminine colours such as pink as well as cursive fonts. Obviously targeted towards women.
When her brother, Joe comes in he identifies that as he is a male he is unable to use the feminine products.
Binary differences between Alfie and Zoella, Alfie in gym clothes whereas she is more covered up in comfortable clothes.  Shows he is the stereotypical masculine character.She uses heavy makeup to reinforce conventional beauty ideals. Suggests femininity is achieved through a specific aesthetic or look.

Zoella's channel could reinforce cultural binaries through almost total exclusion of non-white participants.
Marginalisation of non-white ethnicities suggests a segregated view of UK society.

Paul Gilroy: Postcolonial Theory:
Post-colonialism is the study of the impact of being under direct rule has had on former colonies. For example, despite being a tiny island, Britain colonised and declared ownership of many countries, including India and Australia etc.
These ideas and attitudes continue to shape contemporary attitudes to race and ethnicity in the post colonial era.
These post colonial attitudes have constructed racial hierarchies in our society, where, for example, white people are by far and large given more positive and important roles than BAME people.
Media producers are also guilty of using binary oppositions to reinforce BAME people and characters as 'others'.


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