Stereotypically gay partners have less children than heterosexual partners meaning they would have more disposable income.
Attitude website homepage:
Websites encoded with meaning through their use of signs and signifiers (Barthes).
Media language refers to the technical codes (layout, design, imagery etc), visual codes (colour iconography, mise-en-scene, etc) and language codes (mode of address and language style).
The basic principles of print media apply in that a fundamental audience appeal is constructed from layout and design with the key fact that websites have their own conventions.
Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols. Every aspect of a media product is a sign, whether it is a shot type, camera angle, graphic, font, sound effect or any other part of media language. So, semiotic analysis is pointing out what the different parts of a media product mean.
Hermeneutic: Creates questions for the audience. (withholding meaning from the audience)
Proairetic: An action code. (not withholding meaning). An example of this could be lexis throughout the magazine such as the headlines.
Symbolic: Something that creates a deeper meaning for the audience. An example of this would be the colour scheme of Attitude magazine with the use of rainbow colours throughout the homepage to symbolise the fact that it is a gay magazine for a gay audience.
Referential: An intertextual reference.
Referential code-
References to TV shows, often programs with a larger gay audience.

Hermeneutic code-
most headlines use hermeneutic codes to grab the reader in and get them to continue reading the article after clicking on it.
Symbolic code: Often the thumbnails of the stories are of the gay pride flag.
Proairetic code: Lexis is proairetic code with the word flaming as well as the picture of the mug shot suggesting an arrest.
Attitude is reminiscent of a tabloid newspaper.
Simplistic and minimalist layout, boxes, vertical columns, no more than 60 characters wide sub-headings.
High ratio of photography to text.
Restricted language code.
Inclusive familiar mode of address.
Evidence of synergy and convergence.
Designed for scanned reading - pick and mix - don't read everything, only specific things you want to took at.
Could be angled towards working class audiences like tabloids because its easier to read with more salacious headlines.
Primary colours and celebrity obsession links tabloids to Attitude.
Emotive and direct mode of address.
Recognisable house style
Binary oppositions:
The idea that meaning is cerated through contrast.
The idea that the way in which these binary oppositions are resolved can have particular ideological significance.
Binary oppositions with the mix of gossip style headlines a long with serious news stories.
Bigotry and tolerance
Belonging and alienation
Developed and the underdeveloped world
Public and personal
Mainstream and alternative cultures
Majority and minority
In what ways does the product use media language to encode the ideology of the producer?
Attitude uses media language to encode the ideology of the producer in the form of semiotics. For example, there is a lot of hermeneutic codes across the webpage of attitude that help to entice the reader in to read the magazines stories. An example of this would be with lexis with the headline "woman arrested after allegedly throwing flaming hand sanitiser at her girlfriend." A result of this is that the title doesn't give much away about the story. This could also be a proairetic code as there are action codes in the thumbnail as it is a mug shot which is reminiscent of prison and jail time. This is encoding the producers ideology because despite the fact that the crime is "allegedly" so we don't know if she is actually guilty the mug shot has been placed to suggest to the reader that she is guilty. Furthermore, you can argue that media language has been used to encode the ideology of the producer
Attitude website homepage:
Websites encoded with meaning through their use of signs and signifiers (Barthes).
Media language refers to the technical codes (layout, design, imagery etc), visual codes (colour iconography, mise-en-scene, etc) and language codes (mode of address and language style).
The basic principles of print media apply in that a fundamental audience appeal is constructed from layout and design with the key fact that websites have their own conventions.
Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols. Every aspect of a media product is a sign, whether it is a shot type, camera angle, graphic, font, sound effect or any other part of media language. So, semiotic analysis is pointing out what the different parts of a media product mean.
Hermeneutic: Creates questions for the audience. (withholding meaning from the audience)
Proairetic: An action code. (not withholding meaning). An example of this could be lexis throughout the magazine such as the headlines.
Symbolic: Something that creates a deeper meaning for the audience. An example of this would be the colour scheme of Attitude magazine with the use of rainbow colours throughout the homepage to symbolise the fact that it is a gay magazine for a gay audience.
Referential: An intertextual reference.

References to TV shows, often programs with a larger gay audience.

Hermeneutic code-
most headlines use hermeneutic codes to grab the reader in and get them to continue reading the article after clicking on it.
Symbolic code: Often the thumbnails of the stories are of the gay pride flag.
Proairetic code: Lexis is proairetic code with the word flaming as well as the picture of the mug shot suggesting an arrest.
Attitude is reminiscent of a tabloid newspaper.
Simplistic and minimalist layout, boxes, vertical columns, no more than 60 characters wide sub-headings.
High ratio of photography to text.
Restricted language code.
Inclusive familiar mode of address.
Evidence of synergy and convergence.
Designed for scanned reading - pick and mix - don't read everything, only specific things you want to took at.
Could be angled towards working class audiences like tabloids because its easier to read with more salacious headlines.
Primary colours and celebrity obsession links tabloids to Attitude.
Emotive and direct mode of address.
Recognisable house style
Binary oppositions:
The idea that meaning is cerated through contrast.
The idea that the way in which these binary oppositions are resolved can have particular ideological significance.
Binary oppositions with the mix of gossip style headlines a long with serious news stories.
Bigotry and tolerance
Belonging and alienation
Developed and the underdeveloped world
Public and personal
Mainstream and alternative cultures
Majority and minority
In what ways does the product use media language to encode the ideology of the producer?
Attitude uses media language to encode the ideology of the producer in the form of semiotics. For example, there is a lot of hermeneutic codes across the webpage of attitude that help to entice the reader in to read the magazines stories. An example of this would be with lexis with the headline "woman arrested after allegedly throwing flaming hand sanitiser at her girlfriend." A result of this is that the title doesn't give much away about the story. This could also be a proairetic code as there are action codes in the thumbnail as it is a mug shot which is reminiscent of prison and jail time. This is encoding the producers ideology because despite the fact that the crime is "allegedly" so we don't know if she is actually guilty the mug shot has been placed to suggest to the reader that she is guilty. Furthermore, you can argue that media language has been used to encode the ideology of the producer
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