To what extent does attitude targets multiple audiences?
How Attitude targets its audience of gay men, working class, aged 25 - 50, aspirational, interested in holidays, fashion and the theatre, and with a larger expendable income than average:
Gay men:
Includes a 'boys' section with many close ups/medium close ups of muscular men which is stereotypically attractive for gay men.
Working Class:
Attracts a working class audience with gossip style, easy to read/sans serif headlines designed to spread gossip. It is a stereotype that working class audiences would like this kind of gossip content because it is similar to the style of stories that tabloid newspapers such as the Mirror include which have a large working class audience.
Aged 25-50:
Furthermore, attitude appeals to an audience aged between 25-50 because almost all of the people that are featured in the photographs and articles are aged in this range meaning that they appeal to this age of audience.
Additionally, the magazine appeals to an aspirational audience because it includes lots of content that they would want. For example, muscular bodies and travel.
Interested in fashion:

Attitude also successfully targets audiences interested in fashion because it includes content talking about famous peoples fashion and up to date fashion trends that would be desirable for a fashion conscious audience.
Interested in holidays:
The magazine also includes information about travel that would be of value to a gay audience who is interested in travel because it has relevant facts about different places across the world that would be important to this audience. This would mean that the magazine appeals to this audience.
Interested in theatre:

The magazine also appeals to an audience interested in theatre because of the fact that it has a whole section dedicated to theatre and musicals meaning that the audience can navigate to this section and learn about upcoming shows. This means that it successfully targets this audience because they can gather information about their interests from the website.
15 - Media effects - Albert Bandura
16 - Cultivation theory - George Gerbner
17 - Reception theory - Stuart Hall
18 - Fandom - Henry Jenkins
19 - ‘End of audience’ theories - Clay Shirky
How Attitude is targeting it's gay audience and how Buffy is important for queer audiences:
How Attitude targets its audience of gay men, working class, aged 25 - 50, aspirational, interested in holidays, fashion and the theatre, and with a larger expendable income than average:
Gay men:
Includes a 'boys' section with many close ups/medium close ups of muscular men which is stereotypically attractive for gay men.
Working Class:
Attracts a working class audience with gossip style, easy to read/sans serif headlines designed to spread gossip. It is a stereotype that working class audiences would like this kind of gossip content because it is similar to the style of stories that tabloid newspapers such as the Mirror include which have a large working class audience.
Aged 25-50:


Interested in fashion:

Attitude also successfully targets audiences interested in fashion because it includes content talking about famous peoples fashion and up to date fashion trends that would be desirable for a fashion conscious audience.
Interested in holidays:

Interested in theatre:

The magazine also appeals to an audience interested in theatre because of the fact that it has a whole section dedicated to theatre and musicals meaning that the audience can navigate to this section and learn about upcoming shows. This means that it successfully targets this audience because they can gather information about their interests from the website.
15 - Media effects - Albert Bandura
- Audiences are likely to be influenced by an ideology after being exposed to it over time
16 - Cultivation theory - George Gerbner
- Media products can easily manipulate the ideology of an audience member
- Audiences can chose many different ways to how they respond to the ideology of the producer
18 - Fandom - Henry Jenkins
- Audiences can form an intense bond with a media product, and use it to define their life
19 - ‘End of audience’ theories - Clay Shirky
- Audiences can increasingly 'speak back' to a media product, and are more of a producer than an audience member
How Attitude is targeting it's gay audience and how Buffy is important for queer audiences:
- Buffy relatable to queer audiences because main character, Buffy feels different to most people and ends up being kicked out of her family similarly to how LGBT people are treated and how they feel.
- Additionally, Buffy includes metaphors for teenagers and puberty which is is also relatable to this audience.
- Willow and Tara become first lesbian couple in TV making them iconic for LGBT audiences. They didn't have much representation in the media at this time.
- This means that Attitude target LGBT audiences by simply representing LGBT people in their magazine.
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