Zoella - Audience

Zoella - Audience

Zoella target audience:

  • Female 
  • 12-16
  • White
  • Middle Class
Zoella has targeted/gained a niche audience.

How Zoella achieves a female audience:
Emotive content - show appeals to a female audience via narratives that engage with subject matter emotionally. She continuously tells us how she feels about the problem she faces.
Zoella foregrounds stereotypical female based activities in her presentation: fashion, make-up, relationships.
Costume stereotypically female - female colour palette deployed in mise-en-scene.
Use of pets and pet orientated references (stereotypical small dog for a woman).
Presenter constructs a version of ideal beauty - highly stylised, lots of make-up and attention paid to costume.
Intimate confessional tone to create a relatable female character.
quite/passive presentation style that fits with target audience expectations and female presenter stereotypes. 

How Zoella achieves a 13-16 year old audience:
Heavy use of all social medias. This age group use this.
Youthful co-presenters.
Deliberate amateur aesthetic suggests authenticity to this media saturated audience segment.
Everyday activities of this demographic are incorporated into narratives to create connections with the target audience (shopping, stopping at drive throughs, eating at fast food places).
Fan connections showcased in uploads - fans represent the real target audience - light comedic tone.
Youth orientated slang.
Use of YouTube commentary to create intimate connections with the target audience.
Secondary target audience (parents and advertisers): engaged by content that is safe in terms of sexual content and other taboo areas.

Clay Shirky - End of Audience:
Audience's can make/produce media and interact/speak back to other producers.
theory may not be correct - audience cant really interact properly (interaction is an illusion).

Shirky suggests the idea that the internet and digital technologies have had a profound effect on the relations between media and individuals.
The idea that the conceptualisation of audience members as passive consumers of mass media content is no longer tenable in the age of the internet, as media consumers have now become producers who speak back to the media in various ways as well as creating and sharing content with one another.
Broadcast media, the media of passive television consumption, Shirky claims, arose as a response to the explosion of leisure time afforded by technological progress in the 20th century.  Shirky said media in the 20th century is run by consumption.
Conversly, digital media and technological convergence revolutionised the media landscape by substantially lowering barriers to ordinary users to produce and distribute media and in so doing gave audiences the power to forge their own broadcast networks.  


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