Key Words

  1. Lexis: The language used in the advert
  2. Textual Analysis: the meaning behind the product/lifestyle that an advert is trying to promote.
  3. Hermenuetic code: Enigma codes. It creates mystery or unknown.
  4. Formal Text: Serif
  5. Semiotics: signs, signified, signifiers.
  6. Rule of thirds: The rule of thirds is when the picture is separated into blocks of three and its purpose is to put the focus of the picture into spaces where our eye is naturally drawn. draws the audience in.
  7. Proairectic code: They are action codes and suggest what is going to happen.
  8. Z-line: The z-line is the line at which our eye takes when looking at a picture. The purpose is to draw the audience into what is most important.
  9. Symbolic Code: Suggests deeper meaning.
  10. Mode of address: The mode of address is how the model or advert is addressing the audience. For example, if they are looking straight at the camera or not. How it communicates to the audience. 
  11. Ideology: The beliefs and values of a media text.
  12. Dominant Ideology: Set of ideas or culture that is most common or widely accepted in a society. The dominant ideology can change over time.
  13. Stereotypes: A commonly held belief about a certain group of people.
  14. Intertextuality: Is the shaping of texts meaning through referencing or alluding of other text.  Texts provide context within each other texts can be created or interpreted - reflecting the fluid boundaries of genre convention.
  15. Regulation: Regulation is the censorship of media for the protection of unsuitable audiences. It's the control or guidance of mass media by the government and other bodies such as OFCOM.
  16. Digital Convergence: Communication between different types of media and sometimes the merging of them.
  17. Production: The stages/process needed to complete a media product from the beginning to the final copy. It can apply to any media product.
  18. Verticle/Horizontal integration: Vertical integration: Owns multiple companies across different stages of the film industry.
    Horizontal integration: Where a company buys other companies in the same sector to reduce the competition for audiences.
  19. Conglomoration: A media institution that owns many companies involved in mass media enterprises. For example, radio, television etc.
  20. Distribution: The way the audience receives the media product.


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