Kiss of the Vampire poster analysis

Genre: Horror

There are some generic paradigmatic and iconographic features that help to construct the genre of horror. These are features such as: the dark lighting in the background, the full moon, a castle in the background, bats, blood dripping from the text and the two people who appear to be being murdered.

Therefore, it conforms to the general rules of the horror genre because of some of the darker colours. The fact that there is an vampire depicted as part of the main image also conforms to this genre. We can also see what appears to be a castle in the background which makes the poster recognisable as a horror film because there are spooky/creepy connotations that are tied to a dark castle. Furthermore, there is a full moon that is visible ion the background that also conforms to the horror genre because that has connotations of werewolves. However, in some ways the poster subverts from the genre conventions because the women that are featured in the poster are quite well lit which is unusual for a film in this style.

The groups that are represented here are: men, women. Both men and women are represented to be both powerful and weak in some ways. This is because there is a man and a woman committing what appears to be murder and there is a man and a woman who are being murdered. This could have been shocking for the audience viewing the poster because at the time this poster came out (1963) women would have been heavily stereotyped as not being as strong as the man and it would have been thought that all women were supposed to be well spoken and respectable. This stereotype is clearly contested because it presents a women partaking in an act of murder. Due to the fact that the man is wearing clothes that would have been seen as relatively hight quality and expensive at the time it shows that it is likely that his character was in quite a respectable and well paying job. This means that his stereotype would have been that he was respectable so the fact that he is a vampire and murdering people would have disturbed the viewer as they wouldn't think that either of these people would be capable of doing this.

Hermeneutic codes are created when presenting the two people who appear to be being murdered because the audience would question why they are being murdered and the way to find out would be to watch it. Furthermore, you could say that the fact that the man and woman seem to be committing the murder together shows some kind of relationship between them. This could also be a hermeneutic code because the audience would want to know more about the relationship and how it got to this stage. The fact that there is murder being presented on the film poster is an obvious action code as it suggests that there is going to be a lot of violence and killing throughout the film.


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