Wonder Woman Mini-Mock

Wonder Woman Mini-Mock

Media language would create meaning in this advert because it uses hermeneutic codes in the form of a bright light and the sword. This is because it makes the audience question why she would need a sword and what the bright light actually is. Furthermore, the bright light could have connotations of some form of explosion so that and the fact that there is a sword in the main image would help to appeal to the male audience because stereotypically males would enjoy that. This can also be described as proairetic codes because the sword, armour and bright light promotes the theme of action in the poster and hints at it being an action film. Additionally, the sword could appeal to men because of the theory of compensation. I think that the advert creates meaning because it subverts from the stereotype that women are not as powerful as men and cannot fight. i believe this meaning because the main image is of a woman and the man is in the background which presents him as less important. This is effective at creating meaning because it could appeal women and feminists to watch the film which is helpful as superhero movies usually gain a predominantly male audience. This means that there are symbolic codes surrounding the main image of the woman because the fact that she is dressed in armour is symbolic of her fighting and means that she is strong. The lexis used also creates meaning because of the sans serif font reading "WONDER". This creates meaning because the sans serif font makes it seem informal and the word itself is a hermeneutic code because the audience will be intrigued to find out how they have portrayed an already popular comic book hero. This is also effective at creating meaning because there isn't even the full title "Wonder Woman" but you do not need it in this instance because there is the "WW" logo that everybody recognises. You could argue that the advert uses a shallow depth of field making the woman the subject of the poster. This is because most of her body is sharp and in focus but all around her is tinted in a blue hue and clouds. Meaning is also created in the location that the characters are in because you can not actually distinguish where they are so this means that this is also a hermeneutic code because it doesn't give much away about the actual content of the film so it makes you want to watch it to actually find out the narrative as there is not many hints. A Z-line is also present in the advert because you initially follow from left to right when looking at the eyes of the character. Your eye then naturally moves across the advert from left to right again to read the word "WONDER". This means that you get all the relevant information in an instant.  Further meaning could be conveyed in the form of binary oppositions between the male character and the female. This is because there is heavy stereotypes surrounding each group of people and you can see just from the poster that these stereotypes are being challenged. The ideology of the producer of the advert could have been that they wanted to show a lead female role to appeal to a wider audience and create the meaning that women can be strong too and often stronger than males (hence the fact that the man is in the background and not as colourful). There is also frozen motion of her hair which creates the meaning that she is moving quickly which again appeals to the meaning that she is a fighter and active.


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