Media Mock Revision/Plan
Liesbet Van-Zoonen argues that media language encodes how male and female characters act in media products. Explore how representations position the audience in Humans and Les Revenants Knee Jerk Reaction Feminist Theory: Lisbet van Zoonen: Gender is constructed through codes and conventions of media products and the idea of what is male and female changes over time. Gender is also constructed through cultural and historical context. Additionally, she states that woman's bodies are used in media products as a spectacle for heterosexual male audiences, reinforcing patriarchal hegemony. Feminist Theory: Bell Hooks: Feminism is the struggle to end patriarchal hegemony and the domination of women and feminism is not a lifestyle choice, it's a political commitment. She also said that race, class and gender determine the extent to which individuals are exploited and oppressed. Gender Performativity: Judith Butler: Identity is a performance, and it i...