The Study of Representations

The Study of Representations 1) The group, place or issue on which a media text is focusing on. 2) The technical devices that the media text uses in order to present these groups or issues. 3) The message about the group or issue being created within the text. 4) The impact of this message on the target audience. Point, evidence, argument The Mirror The issue that the text is focusing on is the fact that the people who are assessing disabled people to score the person on "how disabled they really are". The article is focusing on the fact that there is debate into how qualified these people really are. The technical devices that the article uses to present these issues is a body of text to give the reader the full information and the facts about the problem. The headline also includes quotation marks around the word 'interrogation' to undermine the investigation and try and make the readers believe that the interrogation is worthless and stupid. The article...